Is Africa overpopulated? An Assessment of ‘Climate Abortions’

3 min readJul 7, 2023


Photo by James Wiseman on Unsplash

Finland's economic minister, Vilhelm Junnila on 1st June 2023, resigned after a 2019 speech he had given when he was a freshman MP resurfaced. In the speech, he recommended that Finland should sponsor so-called ‘climate abortions’ for African women to save the planet. He further referred to the move as a ‘small step for a person but a giant leap for humanity’. The fact that he faced no consequences for such a statement speaks volumes.

I feel this statement is rooted in racism that is, ‘I don’t want to make changes to my lifestyle as a white man in a developed country, but I think African women should shoulder the burden of climate change by having abortions, thus reducing population pressure on the planet. Dare I say it, it’s giving covert racism! This is supported by the fact that most papers I reviewed don’t even perceive this as racism. This raises the question is population pressure in Africa really the problem? Or are we all suffering the consequences of the economic development of developed nations?

The statements of Vilhelm Junnila also raise the issue of eugenics. Abortions specifically targeting Africans can be perceived as Eugenics as it perceives Africans and by extension, their children as being the lowest in the human hierarchy and as such can be ‘sacrificed’. Eugenics is inherently racist and argues that certain groups of people should not have children. What is undesirable about Africans and Africa? Is it that they feel threatened that Africa has the youngest population in the world and all the economic potential of this population?

At the heart of the statements about promoting abortions in Africa is the assumption that Africa is overpopulated, but is it? China and India are the most populous countries in the world. China has a landmass of approximately 9.5 million square kilometers, India has 3.2 million square kilometers, whereas Africa has a landmass of over 30 million square kilometers. Granted Africa has several arid and semi-arid areas including the Sahara desert. Africa is approximately three times the size of China and 9 times that of India, but their current population combined is approximately the predicted population of Africa by 2050. Yet we never even hear of suggestions of climate abortions in these countries. Yes, abortions are more available in these countries than they are in some African countries, but still feel it boils down to a few issues. Firstly, Western countries are used to interfering in the internal affairs of Western countries. Secondly, there is an overreliance on foreign aid among African countries which puts us at the mercy of Western countries.

Non-interference in the internal affairs of a state, or in this case a continent (No. Africa is still not a country), remains a principle in international law in theory, but not in practice when it comes to the relationship between African and Western countries. Problematic opinions and suggestions colored by racism, capitalism, and privilege are likely to continue and especially targeted at Africa. We need well-thought-through solutions to climate change that are also ethical and feasible because as one of the content creators I follow says ‘children are inevitable’.

Do you agree, disagree or have a different perspective, feel free to engage with me albeit respectfully?




Written by CuriousTes

Too curious and observant about a lot of things

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